
Anatoly Filatov is a winner of partypoker LIVE MILLIONS Russia Main Event

Anatoly Filatov

Anatoly Filatov is a winner of partypoker LIVE MILLIONS Russia Main Event. After defeating a field of 916 entries he took the Title and first place cash prize which is $900,000.

Anatoly Filatov

Anatoly Filatov – partypoker LIVE MILLIONS Russia ME Winner


A buy-in for this No Limit Holdem event was $5.023. For Anatoly Filatov, this is the largest score so far in his career. With winning this event, he now has more than $2.7M in lifetime tournaments earning.  He is having a very successful year so far as this was the third final table for the young Russian poker pro.

In heads-up, he played against Gor Kazaryan. Filatov was slightly behind with chips when they started. He managed to take the lead with some smaller pots before the final hand happened:

Kazaryan just limped the button with the QSpade Suit9Heart Suit. Filatov decided to raise to 27,000,000 with JHeart Suit10Heart Suit and Kazaryan made the call.  QClub Suit9Diamond Suit7Club Suit  came to the flop and Filatov checked. Kazaryan made a 35.000.000 bet and Filatov called. The KSpade Suit came on the turn making the nuts for Filatov who checked once again. Kazaryan bet 55.000.000, Filatov moved all-in and Kazaryan made the call believing that his two-pair from the flop could be good on that heavy wet board. The river changed nothing and Filatov took the Trophy and $900.000, while Kazaryan won $585.000 as a runner-up finisher.

Here you can see the whole final table with the prizes they won:

Anatoly Filatov



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