AoF Jackpot at BestPoker
Do you like taking part in some great promotions? If your answer to this question is YES, then you should check out the latest BestPoker’s promotion – AoF Jackpot! Take your part at this great promotion and try to win your share of $10M. Besides the prizes you will try to win, this kind of promotion attracts a lot of recreational players. This makes the action much juicier. So do not hesitate anymore – jump into the action! If this sounds interesting to you and you are ready to join the action, find all the details in the text below.
Test your luck with All-In or Fold!
Hit the Jackpot by hitting a Straight Flush using both of your hole cards.

In Omaha, hit the Jackpot by hitting a Royal Flush.
Only hands that go to showdown are eligible to be considered for the AoF Jackpot.
Hit the Jackpot and claim your prize!

AoF Fee
44% of AoF fees will be accumulated to the AoF Jackpot from each hand played per player.